
woman walking carefull on the earth

Earth Journeying: Entheogens, Feeling Part of Nature and Climate Friendly Lifestyle Changes

Does psychedelic experience hold the key to healing our wounded earth ecosystem and our own health as part of it? Could these kinds of experiences be pivotal in a more universal healing of our planet and our relatedness? Some time ago, walking in the garden with a few psychedelic molecules running around in my system, a new realization dawned on me: As my bare foot made contact with the rich black dirt,I saw in vivid detail how each movement I made resonated in and through world, just as the world resonated in and through me. In this heightened perceptual state,...

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A Month with B. caapi: My 30-Day Microdosing Journey (Shanna's Story)

A Month with B. caapi: My 30-Day Microdosing Journey (Shanna's Story)

I was introduced to microdosing the Banisteriopsis caapi vine by one of the founders of Radiant Farms, as a potential path to a subtle yet profound improvements in wellbeing. Here's how my month long journey unfolded. Week 1: New Beginnings The first week was one of acclimation. I used the Radiant Farms guidelines, and made sure to plan to shift my diet to low tyramine containing foods. Every morning for 5 days, I took a 64 mg chew on empty stomach, which was an easy way to consume it, as the amount per piece was stabilized (and bonus: they taste good!) I thanked...

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The Efficacy and Mechanisms Behind the Fadiman Microdosing Protocol

The Efficacy and Mechanisms Behind the Fadiman Microdosing Protocol

Microdosing, the act of consuming minuscule amounts of psychedelic substances, has recently garnered attention both in scientific circles and popular culture. Central to this movement is the Fadiman Protocol, a specific microdosing regimen proposed by Dr. James Fadiman, a renowned psychologist and researcher. This essay aims to explore the intricacies of this protocol and delve into the reasons behind its purported efficacy.James Fadiman has dedicated much of his professional life to the exploration and understanding of psychedelic substances since the 1960s. He worked on various projects studying the potential therapeutic applications of substances like LSD, before its prohibition in clinical...

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A Short Film on Kava! 6 minutes direct from Hawai'i XO

A Short Film on Kava! 6 minutes direct from Hawai'i XO

What is Kava? Where does it grow? How is it used?  Learn about this amazing plant.

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