Guidance — ecology

Meeting Bobinsana: Christine's Story

Meeting Bobinsana: Christine's Story

I turn a long-handled wooden spoon in five gallons of steaming liquid, bringing up a dense purple paste from the bottom, making sure it dissolves evenly, self-hypnotizing through repetitive motion. Mason jars of various sizes, and funnels and ladles and filters, are scattered about the counters, along with local honey and tumblers of fresh rosemary, spilanthes, mint. Flocks of tiny yellow finches and various other songbirds murmur about, the breeze caresses my bare legs, a landmate in the distance collects blossoms for this morning’s flower mandala. As I stir, I hum a low chant and think of all the people...

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woman walking carefull on the earth

Earth Journeying: Entheogens, Feeling Part of Nature and Climate Friendly Lifestyle Changes

Does psychedelic experience hold the key to healing our wounded earth ecosystem and our own health as part of it? Could these kinds of experiences be pivotal in a more universal healing of our planet and our relatedness? Some time ago, walking in the garden with a few psychedelic molecules running around in my system, a new realization dawned on me: As my bare foot made contact with the rich black dirt,I saw in vivid detail how each movement I made resonated in and through world, just as the world resonated in and through me. In this heightened perceptual state,...

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